Vegetable production in the Federal capital territory of Nigeria: Case study of Okra.

Paper Details


Ogungbaigbe, L.O.
Kintomo A.A.
Adebayo, S.O.

Year of Publications

October 21, 1997

Place of Publications

NIHORT Ibadan.

Related Crops

Type of Publication


Source Pagination



Vegetable production in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria is increasingly becoming important due to urbanization. Information on Management practices cropping systems and production constraint is skimpy. A d organized during the diagnostics study organized during the mid-season of 1996 addresses these issues. Okra is either produced as a sole crop and/or in intercropped with cassava sorghum, maize, melon, yam onions, leafy vegetables and sugarcane insufficient input delivery systems, transportation high cost of labour and pest and diseases, nevertheless, gross benefit from okra production ranges from 12,500 – 35,500/ha in a cropping season and a possibility of three production seasons for okra in attainable.

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