Floriculture Research Program

Dr. O. Y. Akinkunmi
Head of Program

To improve through research our environment and make production of ornamental plants a major source of income for Nigerians
Mission Statement:
To develop and promote the production of ornamental plants through research into indigenous and exotic species with export potentials and are adaptable to our environment.
Major activities of the programme:
- Collection, identification, domestication and improvement of indigenous and exotic ornamentals.
- Introduction of high value cut flowers and conduct studies into mechanisms that will increase production and extend their shelf life.
- Training of florist, young school leavers and other interested individuals.
- Facilitating cooperative groups for production and marketing
- Creation of awareness on the importance of floriculture to a healthy environment
Scientists in the Programme
Akintoye, Henry Akinwunmi (PHD Plant nutrition/ Physiology): he has interest in the development of technologies to increase the production of ornamental plants with special interest in difficult to root plants and the production of cut flowers for international market. Akintoye.Akinwumi@nihort.gov.ng
Adebayo Ajisafe Gbenga (PHD Plant Physiology): he has interest in organic propagation of cut flowers and difficult to root ornamental plants. Adebayo.Ajisafe@nihort.gov.ng
Olatunji, Mosunmola Tosin (Mrs) (M.Sc. Plant Cytogenetics). She has interest in genetic studies for improvement of indigenous and exotic ornamental plants. Olatunji.Tosin@nihort.gov.ng
Shokalu, Adekemi Olubukola (Mrs) (Phd Soil Chemistry): she has interest in organic management, propagation of indigenous and exotic ornamental plants. Heavy metals in soils. Shokalu.Olubukola@nihort.gov.ng
Aina, Oluwaseun Oladapo (B.Agric. Agricultural Economics) he has interest in production and agronomic studies of both indigenous and exotic ornamental plants. Aina.Oladapo@nihort.gov.ng
Adeoluwa Olusola Olayinka (Mrs) (Msc. Plant breeding): she has interest in applicationof plant breeding techniques in improving ornamental plants. Adeoluwa.Oluyinka@nihort.gov.ng
Akinkunmi Olukemi Yetunde (Mrs) (M.sc Crop protection-Entomology): she has interests in collection, identification and control of insect pests of ornamental plants. Akinkunmi.Yetunde@nihort.gov.ng
Fade-Aluko, Akintola Ayodeji (Msc Horticulture): he has interest in identification, development of technologies to improve the production of indigenous and exotic ornamental plants and landscape horticulture. fadealukotolar@gmail.com
James, Israel Emenekpe (Msc Biochemistry): he has interest in plant biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology in development of technologies to improve the production of horticultural crops. Jamesisrael@hotmail.co.uk
Olusoji Oludayo Christopher (Msc Nematology): he has interest in developing botanicals for pest and disease control in horticultural crops. adeolusoji@gmail.com
Omondeagbon, Perpetua Ose (Msc Oharmocognosy): she has interest in medicinal plant research. pepose@gmail.com
Okoyo, Mercy Enimie (Bsc, plant biology and biotechnology): she has interest in plant breeding and biotechnology for the improvement of horticultural crops. enimieokoyo@gmail.com