Biotechnology Unit

Mrs Olagunju O.
Head of Unit

Staff strength: Experienced staff comprising of both scientists, technologists and field superintendents specialized in various disciplines.
The objective of the unit is to use biotechnology applications for crop improvement towards increased agricultural productivity and food security.
Mission: To carry out innovative research and development of plant genomics, micro-propagation and breeding through the adoption of biotechnology.
Vision: To become a centre of excellence focussed on research for crop improvement using emerging technologies in agricultural biotechnology and providing training services.
Research activities: Our Biotechnology Unit is fully equipped with facilities to undertake various aspects of plant cell and tissue culture activities and molecular marker technology including:
- Plant Tissue Culture technique application for rapid multiplication of Horticultural crops.
- Molecular Characterisation involving DNA Fingerprinting using Molecular Markers such as SSR and RAPD analyses.
- Biochemical (Protein) characterization using one-dimensional Sodium Dodecyl Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to assess protein quality of some protein-rich indigenous crops.
Services offered by this unit include:
- Rapid in vitro multiplication of plantain, banana, pineapple in our laboratory.
- Temporary Immersion System (TIPS) for in vitro multiplication of pineapple and plantain.
- Training: Provide technical training on micro propagation techniques.
- Train students in different aspects of crop genotyping with emphasis on DNA profiles for cultivar identification and diversity studies as part of the biotechnological methods needed to enhance productive efficiency. Introduce the trainees to DNA fingerprinting methodologies – DNA isolation procedures, agarose gel electrophoresis, primed-PCR protocols, matrix construction and dendrogram analysis.