Production Indices and Price Stability of Dry Season Leafy Vegetables in South Western Nigeria

Paper Details


Odeleye O.M.O.
Adeoye I.B.

Year of Publications

October 21, 2020

Place of Publications


Related Crops

Leavy vegetable

Type of Publication


Source Pagination



Vegetable is an important compliment in the dietary food intake of populace is scarce and expensive during the dry season therefore a diagonistic and market survey on production indices and pricing Wji-c carried out during the dry season of 2005/ 2006 on major leafy vegetable consumed in the southwestern Nigeria, Amaranthus Spp and Corchorus Olitorus. It was observed that production is a function of land; water, labour and capital availability (Pd=f (L, C W, La) while at constant price rhe quantitu varies (PC < Quantity)). The market survey of the urban and farm gate market showed that the amrkets are integrated and not segmented. The quantities of Amaranthus spp and Corchorus Olitorus in both markets per unit prices were different. The partial budget showed that dry season vegetable production in inland valley is profitable. In conclusion, sacarcity of water, limited available inland valleys and high cost of labour directly influence quantity of vegetable purchased at constant price.

Full Content

Dry Season, Leafy vegetables, Price. Production
