Export promotion of horticultural crops

Paper Details


Prof. J.O Babatola

Year of Publications

October 21, 2020

Place of Publications


Related Crops

Type of Publication


Source Pagination



Horticultural crops production represent a very reasonable amount of agricultural crops in Nigeria with different spatial aggregation among agricultural zones. However, the share percentage of these crops are unknown due to the unorganized nature of the sub-sector, while the marketing services provided for horticultural crops are inadequate and need to be improved. Export of horticultural commodities are faced with constraints such as inappropriate production economics and technologies, absence of quality control management, inappropriate/inadequate marketing services, poor logistic support for horticultural export, weak horticultural export promotion, among others. Common codes and standards developed by Food and Agricultural Organization Good Agricultural Practices (FAOGAP) should be encouraged to integrate cropping systems with ecology, environment and zones of operations for safer food and better quality for exports.

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