Field trial was conducted at National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Mbato sub-station, Okigwe, Imo State between May and September 2010 to evaluate the performance of six (6) lines of Okra (AK-1, AK-2, CR-4, CR-5, EZ-6 and EZ-7( with a control (NHAe 47-4). Okra seeds procured from the institute (NIHORT Ibadan) were evaluated for yield stability and other agronomic characters. The Okra seeds of each line were sown at a spacing of 0.5m x 1.0m apart in plots of sizes 4m x 3m. The trial was replicated three times in a Randomized Complete Block experimental Design (RCBD). Result from the trial indicates that line-4 (CR-5) flowered first on the 39th Day after sowing (DAS). Early days to 50% and 100% flowering at the 49th and 80th DAS respectively were observed on line-1 (AK-1), while line-2 (AK-2) gave the highest number of dry pods of 133,330 per hectare, line-3 (CR-4) and line-4 (CR-5) gave the lowest number of dry pods of 80,000 each, per hectare respectively. Line-6 (EZ-7) recorded the highest dry pod weight of 1664kg per hectare while Line-4 (CR-5) recorded the lowest dry pod weight of 666.67kg per hectare. Based on these findings, it was discovered that line-2 (AK-2) performed best in terms of number of pods with values of 133,330/ha. Also, in terms of high seed density, lines-5 (EZ-6) and 6(EZ-7) gave the best performance with values of 6.4g and 6.5g respectively for 100g seed weight. More so, higher fruit length and breadth were recorded with line-5 (EZ-6) at values of 13.0cm and 4.0cm respectively.
Growth and yield performance, Okra lines
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