Effect of irrigation frequency on soil moisture potential and fruit yield of okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus)

Paper Details


Afolayan, S. O.

Year of Publications

October 21, 1997

Place of Publications

Ibadan Nigeria

Related Crops

Type of Publication


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The effects of three irrigation treatments once per week of (6mm), twice per week (12mm) and thrice per week (18mm) on okra were investigated between October 1995 to March 1996. Irrigation was based on the previous measured field capacity.
Soil moisture potential deceased with frequency of irrigation while the soil temperature at deceased 5cm depth decreased with increasing frequency of irrigation. However, frequent irrigation resulted in increased surface run off and soil loss.
Fresh fruit yield of okra increased proportionately with increasing frequency of irrigation.
This study suggests that to minimize soil moisture depletion and preserve the soil structural stability, irrigation for okra production could be limited to twice per week at 12mm of water wk-1.

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